Smart Phones

LG Optimus L3 II Dual review

26/05/2013 16:49
      The line between feature phones and smartphones is diminishing each day as Android phones start making their presence felt in the Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 10,000 phone segment. While Indian handset brands are already competing with each other by packing in a plethora of...

Samsung Galaxy Star

26/05/2013 16:46
      Intensifying the price war in the fast-growing smartphone category in India, South Korean mobile handset maker Samsung Electronics Friday launched its cheapest Galaxy series phone `Star' at a price of Rs 5,240. 'Star' is the cheapest device in Samsung's Galaxy range...

Nokia Lumia 900 Review

26/05/2013 15:28
  Windows Phone hasn’t had a great year. Since its release back in late 2010, Microsoft has seen little success, only able to control about 2% of the US smartphone market, compared to 30% and 51% that iOS and Android have, respectively. The pairing of Nokia and Microsoft is still too fresh to...

Motorola Droid Razr M Review

26/05/2013 15:23
  If there’s one phone that starts at the low end but provides the quality of higher-end devices, it’s the Droid Razr M from Motorola. It’s the best Android phone you can get if it’s your first smartphone because it does nearly everything that a smartphone should near to...

Motorola Atrix HD Review

26/05/2013 15:23
  The holidays are lurking just beyond the seasonal horizon. In less than a month, we will all be locked in the stifling vice-like clutches of last-minute shopping madness. But a plan of attack can stave off waiting in tedious long lines, depleted stock shelves and unnecessary money spent. If...

LG Optimus G Review

26/05/2013 15:17
  The LG Optimus G is a tale of the most powerful Android smartphone, a re-invigoration of the South Korean tech giant that has phased in and out of smartphone manufacturing. Yet while the world gets its hands on the sleek yet remarkably large and wide handset, most US users will...

Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Review

26/05/2013 15:13
  When I look at the Samsung Galaxy Note 2, I see a strange direction for the future. While experts have for years decried that electronics would get smaller and smaller, the reality is exactly the opposite. The biggest phone is king, and today, the biggest phone is the Note 2, a massive 5.5″...

iPhone 5 Review

26/05/2013 15:06
  It is the smartphone. Apple spent plenty of time and money acquiring the name, and for good reason. It’s the most well-known and, often, the most desired phone. There’s a reason it’s the “iPhone 5 review”, not “Apple iPhone 5 review”. When people who aren’t up to date on...

HTC One Review

26/05/2013 15:00
  Overview   Release Date: Available Now   Price: $200-300   Size: 137.4 x 68.2 x 9.3 mm (5.41 x 2.69 x 0.37 in)   Weight: 143 g (5.04 oz)   Battery Size: 2300 mAh   Version of OS: Android...