30 Window 7 useful keyboard shortcuts

24/05/2013 22:23


When you start using computer little more, then you start thinking that there should be some shortcut which you can use to minimize the efforts. its good  to use shortcut to improve the performance.So here are the collection of some window 7 shortcut which will come handy to you

From Desktop
1. Windows Key + Tab : Aero
2. Windows Key + E :  launch Windows Explorer.
3. Windows Key + R : Run Command is launched.
4. Windows Key + F : Search
5. Windows Key + X : Mobility Center
6. Windows Key + L : Lock Computer
7. Windows Key + U : Launches Ease of Access
8. Windows Key + P : Projector
9. Windows Key + T : Cycle Super Taskbar Items
10. Windows Key + S : One Note Screen Clipping Tool
11. Windows Key + M : Minimize All Windows
12. Windows Key + D : Show/Hide Desktop
13. Windows Key + Up : Maximize Current Window
14. Windows Key + Down : Restore Down / Minimize
15. Windows Key + Left : Tile Current Window to the Left
16. Windows Key + Right : Tile Current Windows Right
17. Windows Key + # (# is any number)
18. Windows Key + = : Launches the Magnifier
19. Windows Key + Plus : Zoom in
20. Windows Key + Minus : Zooms out
21. Windows Key + Space : Peek at the desktop
From Windows Explorer
22. Alt + Up: Go up one level
23. Alt + Left/ Right: Back/ Forward
24. Alt + P: Show/hide Preview Pane

Taskbar modifiers
25. Shift + Click on icon: Open a new instance
26. Middle click on icon: Open a new instance
27. Ctrl + Shift + Click on icon: Open a new instance with Admin
28. Shift + Right-click on icon: Show window menu
29. Shift + Right-click on grouped icon: Menu with Restore All /
Minimize All / Close All, etc.
30. Ctrl + Click on grouped icon: Cycle between the windows (or
tabs) in the group