Android 4.3 Spotted, Shows off New Nexus 4 Camera Interface (video)

26/05/2013 14:49



I can hardly complain about Android 4.2.  But then again I don’t have much to compare it to since I switched from an iPhone 4s to a Nexus 4, which shipped with the software already installed.  However, if I had to lament about anything, it would be the camera’s interface.

It’s God awful.  To change exposure, white balance, turn on the front facing camera or activate HDR mode you have to tap and hold your finger on the screen.  Doing this presents a circle of options.  Options that are only partially viewable because your thumb or finger is in the way.  And don’t even get me started on the Nexus 4′s camera quality.

While I can’t speak to the Nexus 4′s crummy camera quality, I’m glad to report that Google has fixed the camera interface in Android 4.3, at least according to this leaked video.  It’s hard to tell if there are any other, significant improvements to the OS since it seems to be an iterative update and not a big leap.  Nevertheless, joy for me.