Hack Facebook Trick #1

24/05/2013 23:07


Phishing is one of the oldest techniques to hack someone’s facebook, gmail, yahoo or any other account.

In this post, you will learn “how to hack facebook account


First of all let me tell you what does phishing means?


Phishing is the technique in which the hacker (you) send an exact copy of a login page of facebook to your FISH ;)

And when he enters his “username and password” in fields respectively then the username and password will be automatically saved in a text file. Which you can download and only you will have the access to that file.



How to setup a phishing page?

Step 1: Download the zip file by clicking HERE

Step 2: After you have downloaded the file, extract all the files in a folder.

Step 3: For setting up a phishing page you require online storage. And for that, you can use any free webhosting website.


I recommend you www.my3gb.com

After you have created your account on www.my3gb.com

Step 4: Upload all the files you have extracted to your my3gb.com account

Step 5: Now all you have to do is “send the link of file index.php to your FISH”

Step 6: You can just wait now for the FISH to login in that FAKE FACEBOOK LOGIN PAGE you created.


When the user logins in that fake login page. A text file name “password.txt” will be created in your “file manager” of my3gb.com account.


To get the username and password just open the “password.txt”

And its done. J

Keep visiting for more tricks. This is just the beginning



To know “How to stop phishing attacks” click on the link below:

Avoid Phishing Attacks