How to make a pc server

24/05/2013 22:28


To make your pc server all you have to need is a

  1. Wampserver software
  2. Old pc
  3. Internet connection 24/7 to the pc

that’s what you need what you will need to make a pc to server

  1. Basically wamp server is a combination of three things which are nessesry apache, php and mysql

Download wampserver from here

2. After downloading wamp install it on your pc

after installation a green icon will appears on your icon tray that means its started working But if its red that means its not working then left click on the wamp server and click on start all serveices




3. Now its done all most done now open your browser and type localhost  or   left click wamp icon and click local host




if this page appeares then think that you are very close to running your own server


4. go to left click on wamp server >>www directory 

or you can visit it c:wamp\www



5. now there will be some files  index.php 

delete it and create new file index.html




6. now edit file with html code of your website


6.After editing finished

go to your browser and type “localhost”




now its all done you are hosting your website on your pc

NOTICE: if you want your website to be visited from other computer then they have to type your ip address to access your website

thanks all