HTC One Google Edition Might Be Coming Soon

26/05/2013 14:47


HTC One review 41 650x521 HTC One Google Edition Might Be Coming Soon

Still debating the purchase of HTC’s One?  Well, you might want to hold on a bit longer, as word emerged today that HTC might be considering a stock Android version of the handset, much like the Nexus 4.

Little details are known, but a stock Android version of the HTC One would not only remove the contractual obligation one is required to make when buying the phone through a service provider such as AT&T, but it would likely eliminate what is largely perceived as bloatware, HTC’s Sense software.  However, and as great as the stock Android OS is, it could very well negate some positive aspects of the HTC One’s built-in OS, which enhances both the camera and audio performance of the handset – I believe the latter is more hype than anything.

According to Geek, a stock Android HTC One could be announced in the next few weeks, with a possible release arriving sometime in the summer.  Of note, Samsung plans to release a stock, or vanilla version of the Galaxy S4 sometime soon, which has been heavily compared to the HTC One – both US versions sport the same Snapdragon processor.