Computer Tricks

Boost youtube Buffering speed without Software

05/06/2013 12:29
    Hi Friends.It's Exams time so a bit busy with my studies, but i will try to update you daily. So today we will see how to Boost youtube bufferring speed without using any software. This trick will help you to get rid of wasting time in buffering. People...

What are Captchas?

26/05/2013 16:40
  "Because we care, we're security aware" Whenever we create an account on any website or comment on any blog we see scrambled words which we have to type and continue these are CAPTCHAs .   What are CAPTCHAs and what they do? It stands for Completely Automated...

How To Disable Right Click On Your Website Or Blog

26/05/2013 16:36
  If you own a blog or a website then you always want to prevent other malicious bloggers from copying the content from your blog. You might have written an article with great efforts and lots of research and other just copy/paste it on their blog. To prevent such users from copying...

Top 10 Google tricks

26/05/2013 16:34
        Below is a list of our top ten Google tricks many people who use Google don't know about. Definitions Pull up the definition of the word by typing define followed by the word you want the definition for. For example, typing: define...

Finding Serial/Crack Key Of Any Software Using Simple Google Trick

26/05/2013 16:05
    Most of you download and use pirated software from torrents or any such other sites, but sometime it gets very difficult to find serial key of those softwares. I will make it easy for you by showing you simple yet very intersting google trick which will...
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