Computer Tricks

How to change active partition to inactive partition in window 7

24/05/2013 22:37
  You can use the following steps to de-active a active partition: 1. Open Command Prompt. 2. Type: diskpart 3. At the DISKPART prompt, type: list disk (This command will list all the disks that you have) 4. In the next prompt, type: select disk # ( # means the number of the disk which contain...


24/05/2013 22:37
  Microsoft Windows introduced a new hidden feature called GodMode that allows you to view and adjust all settings within Windows. To create a shortcut to the GodMode in Windows 7 follow the below steps. 1) Anywhere on your computer create a new folder. 2) After the folder has been created,...

Recover all the deleted data from hard disk

24/05/2013 22:36
  Sometimes we delete the files permanently, and realize that deleting them is like a Blunder… For all those folks, Here is the solution Software called “Kissass Undelete” , can bring those files from the hard disk or your flash drive. Conditions : Only if the data on that drive is not...

Hide the Local drives in your Computer

24/05/2013 22:35
  This is a great trick you can play on your friends. To disable the display of local or networked drives when you click My Computer. Go to start->run. Type regedit. Now go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer Now in the right panel create a new...

Trick to show ur name after time in taskbar

24/05/2013 22:34
  It is a trick to add up ur name in place of ‘AM’ and ‘PM’ beside time Follow the steps: Start -> Control Panel -> Regional and Language option -> Additional Settings -> Go to TIME tab -> Change AM symbol and PM symbol from AM and PM to ur name -> Apply -> OK … IS it...

List of all the RUN COMMANDS

24/05/2013 22:33
  To access these options just use these RUN COMMANDS Accessibility Controls access.cpl Accessibility Wizard accwiz Add Hardware Wizard hdwwiz.cpl Add/Remove Programs appwiz.cpl Administrative Tools control admintools Adobe Acrobat (if installed) acrobat Adobe Designer (if...

How to add items in “Send To” option?

24/05/2013 22:32
  This trick can be done only in 2 steps. Step 1) Click on start, type run and hit enter Step 2) Now a folder will open. Now Add the shortcut of the device, folder or what ever you want in your “Send To” option. And its Done.

How to change time format 24 hours to 12 hours

24/05/2013 22:31
    open control panel on the region and languages           3. click additional settings   4.  go to time now  change short time from HH:mm to tt hh:mm and appy changes   5. now...

Change the “open” of right click

24/05/2013 22:30
  1. go to start >>open regedit.exe                       2. Now  click on “HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT”             3. NOW  open folder >>shell>> click on open and you will see a...

How to make a pc server

24/05/2013 22:28
  To make your pc server all you have to need is a Wampserver software Old pc Internet connection 24/7 to the pc that’s what you need what you will need to make a pc to server Basically wamp server is a combination of three things which are nessesry apache, php and mysql Download...
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